Nanoscan Imaging LLC

Nanoscan Imaging LLC

  • N1177 History + Tech Description
  • Abstracts
    • Link: Hyafil, F., et al., Noninvasive detection of macrophages using a nanoparticulate contrast agent for computed tomography, Nature Medicine, 13, 636-641 (2007) More…
    • Link: Narula, J & Strauss, HW, The popcorn plaques, Nature Medicine, 13, 532–534 (2007), More…
    • Link: Hyafil, et al., Quantification of Inflammation Within Rabbit Atherosclerotic Plaques Using the Macrophage-Specific CT Contrast Agent N1177: A Comparison with18F-FDG PET/CT and Histology, J. of Nuclear Medicine, 50, 947-953 (2009).  More…
    • Link: Aillon, et al., Iodinated NanoClusters as an inhaled CT contrast agent for lung visualization, Mol. Pharmaceutics 2010741274-1282, More…