Alternotio specializes in the sale of non lead and distressed intangible assets and (on rare occasions) unique tangible assets.

Distressed Assets:

Distressed asset sales, in most instances, focus on maximize the remaining cash value to satisfy creditor’s claims against the estate.

Non Lead Assets:

Non lead asset sales provide a multitude of opportunities. Key benefits to selling non lead assets are: 

  • “Freeing” resources to be more efficiently allocated toward lead assets with greater returns 
  • Reducing time business development (and any other department involved in deals) potentially works on non lead assets, which may range from a casual inquiry to a full negotiation. 
  • Increases the possibility of an incremental sale of leading technology, which has a greater cash value than a non lead asset

There are many market, firm or even situation specific reasons, that may force an untimely exit from a planned product and/or products. The desire to revisit the project may be present, but circumstances might indicate an immediate sale, as the best option to recover the most cash given the specific situation.

Unique Tangible:

Unique tangible assets are accepted on a case by case basis. The tangible assets that are accepted, usually have a substantial intellectual property component.